Rice is one of those foods that are key in cooking, just like pasta, potatoes, and so on. Rice seems to last indefinitely, but does rice go bad?
Of course, does rice go bad, it lasts long when uncooked but it’s no exception when it’s about to spoil. People cook a lot of rice and store it for later. So storage is something very important and we can’t agree more.
In this article, we will cover both uncooked and cooked rice and talk about its shelf-life, storage, and spoilage. After reading this, you should be equipped with the right knowledge for getting the most possible out of your rice.
Enjoy the read!
How Long Can Rice Last
As always, we will start with a quick table for your convenience:
Rice (white) | Pantry | Refrigerator | Freezer |
Uncooked | Stays good | Stays good | Stays good |
Cooked | / | Up to 1 week (7 days) | Up to 6 months |
When we’re talking about rice, we refer to white rice as there are some differences between white and brown rice. If you want to learn more about brown rice, we’ve got this blog post for you.
When we store white rice in the right way, it can last for a very long time, if not indefinitely. Now, that won’t be a problem as we’re all conscious eaters and try to learn from our mistakes and reduce food waste.
We will talk about cooked (white) rice and uncooked (white) rice.
Do you want to learn more about brown rice, check out this blog post?
If you want to learn more about white rice, read on!
Uncooked Rice
As we’ve said before, uncooked white rice will last for a very long time when stored properly. For some people, that will be indefinite.
You don’t buy rice to last for 10 years, that’s what I always say. Buying food and drinks, cooking and baking, and so on… is all about managing your inventory and making plans and doing them.
Try to consume your rice within the year or when bought in massive bags, up to 2 years. For a regular household, that won’t be a problem at all.
Cooked Rice
When you’ve cooked your white rice, things will last for a shorter time, far less. Some people tend to forget this.
The general rule for cooked white rice is about 3 up to 7 days when stored directly in your fridge. Try to consume the rice within the first 2 days if possible. The closer to the 6th, the less likely the quality will still be good.
If you aren’t able to eat all of the rice within the week, just store them in your freezer and eat them in the next month if possible. If you aren’t able to finish them within the first month, try to not let them sit longer than 6 months in your freezer.
Try to finish the cooked rice as soon as possible and if you’re not eating it, store it in your fridge. Letting it sit out at room temperature for a long time comes with higher risks of food poisoning, you don’t want that. Take out a single portion and finish that within the day.
Now, about storing rice properly…
How To Store Rice
Here, we will follow of course the structure of the last chapter and talk about storing uncooked rice vs cooked rice.
Uncooked Rice
Storing rice isn’t all that difficult, especially storing uncooked rice. Just like most foods and drinks, they need to be stored in a dark, cool, and dry area. The pantry will do just fine. Some people store it in a corner of their garage, and that’s all fine as long as it’s dark, cool, dry, and stable in temperature.
From the moment you open the bag for the first time, make sure the bag is sealed thoroughly or simply place them in an airtight container for your convenience. Doing this makes food management a lot easier.
Cooked Rice
When you cook rice, you make it more vulnerable to external threats like moisture, air, heat sources, and so on. Cooking rice is meant to integrate it into other dishes and thus other ingredients.
When you cook rice, you’re about to eat rice. Usually, a lot of people cook larger batches of rice and thus need to manage the leftovers. Cooking means colder storage: in the fridge or freezer. Avoid letting it sit out on room temperature if you’re not going to eat them.
- Fridge: place it in an airtight container for your convenience and seal it very tight. Storing in the fridge means eating it within the week, preferably in the first 2 days.
- Freezer: allows you to store it for up to 6 months if you wish. Think about when you will eat the frozen rice, after thawing of course.
Can You Freeze Rice
Yes, of course. Just like you can freeze almost any type of food. But should you?
If you’re about to freeze rice, just divide them into single-serving portions because you don’t want to thaw everything because you’ve frozen everything. Why have you frozen it then? Just to get rid of it?
How to freeze rice:
- Divide into single-serving portions
- Place into freezer bags, 2 plastic bags (double-bag them), or an airtight container. Make sure the air is out of the storage method.
- Label everything with the correct date and time of freezing, also when the rice has been bought or cooked would make your important decision later easy.
- Place everything in the freezer.
On GoodOrGoneBad, we say that the freezer can help and be a great addition to your equipment for your food storage but you also need to be conscious and make a plan with what you’re going to eat and when.
You don’t put things in your freezer for longer than 6 months, at least I don’t because I want to have quality in my life and eating thawed food that has been frozen for more than 6 months usually won’t give you that.
What happens when you’re freezer will be full? Do you buy another freezer? Another freezer means extra costs and so on. Maybe you’ll forget about the first freezer?
How Can You Tell If Rice Has Gone Bad
When it comes to checking for signs of spoilage about whether if your rice has gone bad or not, you should always trust yourself and your senses.
Always be true to yourself and if there’s any doubt, just toss it. On GoodOrGoneBad, we always say it’s better to discard if you’re unsure. Rice is normally a product that doesn’t go bad if uncooked and stored properly. You can buy it for a fairly low price. Don’t eat spoiled rice because in the long run, it will cost you even more.
Tips on whether to tell about uncooked rice have gone bad or not:
- Does the rice have another color? If yes, toss it away immediately, don’t start by selecting the good or bad rice. You’ll see this fairly easily.
- Are there any black spots on/in the bag/package? This can be a sign of mold. Don’t doubt it, just toss it.
- Does the rice have a sharp smell? If you smell something funny or unpleasant, toss it away. It might smell different because it absorbed the odors from other foods. It can still taste good but better to toss it away.
- How is the taste? Does it taste odd? Get rid of it.
Tips on whether to tell about cooked rice have gone bad or not:
- Does the rice have another color? If yes, toss it away immediately, don’t start by selecting the good or bad rice. You’ll see this fairly easily. It can also be a sign of mold.
- Does the rice have a texture change? A slime texture is no good news. Discard it!
- Does the rice have a sharp smell? If you smell something funny or unpleasant, toss it away.
- How is the taste? Does it taste odd? Get rid of it.
Always, when there’s doubt, discard it. Better to be safe than sorry!
Enjoy your rice!