When you’ve finished your coca cola gummies yesterday, you stumbled on some old gummy bears. How long do gummy bears last?
Can gummy bears expire? Of course, they can, just like any food and drink can expire or go bad.
In this article, we will talk about all you need to know about gummy bears: their shelf life, how to store them, and their spoilage signs.
Enjoy the read!
How Long Can Gummy Bears Last
As always, we will start with a quick table for your convenience:
Gummy Bears | Pantry | Refrigerator | Freezer |
Unopened | Best-by date + up to 6 months | Best-by date + up to 6 months | Up to 12 months (1 year) |
Opened | Best-by date + up to 6 months | Best-by date + up to 6 months | Up to 12 months (1 year) |
Bought in Bulk | Up to 6 months | Up to 6 months | Up to 12 months (1 year) |
Homemade | Up to 6 months | Up to 6 months | Up to 12 months (1 year) |
We will talk about some types of gummy bears: those that are opened and unopened and if they’re bought when already packed or in bulk. We also talk a bit about homemade gummy bears.
How Long Do Gummy Bears Last Unopened
Unopened gummy bears will last at least a few months past the best-by date.
We’re talking about packed gummy bears here that come with a best-by date.
You can also buy gummy bears in the store like that and they’ll pack them there for you.
Use the date you bought them and they can last up to 6 months when stored properly and sealed tight.
How Long Do Gummy Bears Last Once Opened
Opened gummy bears can last up to 6 months when sealed tight and thus stored right. Gummy bears don’t actually decay faster when they’re stored right and sealed tight.
How Long Do Gummy Bears Last In The Fridge
Gummy bears can last up to 6 months after the best-by date when it’s packed and up to 6 months when bought at the supermarket in larger quantities.
How Long Do Homemade Gummy Bears Last
Gummy bears that are homemade can last up to 6 months and are best used within that period. Homemade is made with love and fewer additives and should be eaten within the right period.
Concluding the shelf life of gummy bears: it doesn’t matter if you store it in the pantry, on the counter, or in the refrigerator. They can remain good for a long time, which is a half year, gummy bears should be finished before this. We say it’s best to keep the space in your refrigerator for other products like fruits, dairy-based products like yogurt, and so on and finish them within the right time. Easy job when kids are around.
The above periods are indicative and can only be used when the gummy bears were stored in the right way. Gummy bears that are beyond the best-by date won’t have the same quality in taste and lose it over time, it doesn’t mean the gummy bears will be bad or spoiled, they should be fine.
How To Store Gummy Bears
The gummy bears are best placed in a cool and dry area. The pantry, cupboard, and fridge will do just fine. Avoid contact with external threats like heat, air, moisture, bacteria transfer, and so on.
I always store them in the pantry, together with the other gummies and quick cookies. I don’t live in a very hot place, so the pantry will do fine. If you live where temperatures are higher, you might consider storing them in the fridge.
Always make sure you can reseal the pack of gummy bears. Transferring everything in a mason jar or airtight container with dark glass will do just fine. Great candy shouldn’t sit for 6 months in your storage.
Can You Freeze Gummy Bears
Yes, you can freeze gummy bears like any other food and drink but the question is: should you?
Freezing gummy bears will perfectly be possible for 6 months up to 12 months (1 year).
Freezing gummy bears can alter the texture and taste.
Try to do the following when you’re about to freeze your gummy bears:
- Divide them into single-serve portions
- Pack them in 1 or 2 plastic freezer bags (double-bagging them)
- Label the bags or containers with the correct date and time of freezing.
- Place into the freezer
When you’re about to use your frozen gummy bears, let them thaw and rest in the refrigerator overnight. Many people don’t know that freezing your gummy bears won’t result in frozen gummy bears. They’ll be more robust and cold, but still possible to eat, so you don’t have to thaw them to eat them.
Just know that freezing and thawing your gummy bears can affect their texture.
Of course, before we eat the gummy bears, we need to look for spoilage signs.
How Can You Tell If Gummy Bears Have Gone Bad
As we’ve said before, gummy bears don’t go bad that fast but will go bad eventually.
Luckily, we can trust our senses in judging whether they’ve gone bad or not and try to evade the final tasting test. When it comes to gummy bears, it’s pretty straightforward.
Use the following guidelines for your gummy bears:
- Do the gummy bears have another color? This can be an indication of going bad. Green should look like green, yellow like yellow, and so on. Discard the bears.
- Are there any black marks on the bag or on the bears? This will be a sign of mold. Discard immediately!
- Do your gummy bears have sugar crystals? These won’t taste very good, they simply shouldn’t crystallize. Please get rid of them.
- Do the gummy bears have a sharp smell? If you smell something funny or unpleasant, toss them away.
- How is the taste? Do they taste odd? Get rid of them. They should taste good, not like nothing, and not harder to chew unless they’re frozen of course.
Trust in your senses to make that final important decision: to discard or not to discard the bears. We on GoodOroGoneBad say that when you’re unsure or have doubts about the gummy bears, you should throw them away. You can buy fresh gummy bears for a fairly low price and it’s simply not worth it to take unnecessary risks for your health and well-being.
Enjoy your gummy bears!