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How Long Does Bacon Grease Last Before It Goes Bad?

Bacon grease is one of the most popular cooking fats around, but how long does bacon grease last before going bad? It’s a common question among bacon lovers and one that can be answered with a few simple precautions.

Bacon grease can last surprisingly long depending on how you store it and how you tell when it has gone bad. Little people know that you can store it for later use when cooking or baking.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the shelf life of bacon grease and how to safely store it so that your favorite dishes don’t get ruined by spoiled fat. We’ll also provide tips on how to prevent spoilage in order to maximize the lifespan of your bacon grease. So let’s dive in and find out just how long bacon grease can last!

Enjoy the read!

What Is Bacon Grease

Bacon grease is a popular cooking fat, especially among those who are trying to cook with healthier fats as it is healthier than butter. It can be used in many recipes, from frying up eggs to using it as a base for sauces or butter replacement.

Bacon grease is a fat that has been rendered from the bacon. It’s made by cooking bacon until it becomes crispy and the fat renders out, leaving behind flavorful drippings.

Bacon grease can be used for both cooking and baking, lending its salty-savory flavor to a wide variety of dishes.

How Long Can Bacon Grease Last

As always, we will start with a quick table for your convenience:

Bacon GreasePantryRefrigerator
StoreboughtUp to 2 years after buying or best-by date + up to 6 months/
HomemadeUp to 6 monthsUp to 1 year
Indicative timetable for how long bacon grease can last before it goes bad. Always check for signs of spoilage!

Bacon grease can last a surprisingly long time when stored properly, depending on how it is stored and how well you take care of it. We will talk about 2 types of bacon grease: the one you buy at the store and the one you’ve made at home.

Storebought bacon grease can last up to 2 years in the pantry and up to 6 months after the best-by date.

Homemade bacon grease can last up to 6 months in the pantry and about 1 year in the fridge.

These dates are indicative and can be applied when the grease was stored properly. Some will last longer and some will last shorter.

The best-by date is an indication of the freshness and quality of the grease. Always think about this when cooking or baking with it.

The bacon grease is best stored in an airtight container, where it can’t oxidate and be safe from external threats like heat, air, moisture, bacteria, and so on.

Does Bacon Grease Go Bad

Yes, bacon grease does go bad just like any other type of fat. Once bacon grease has gone bad, it can give off an unpleasant odor and may even look darker or discolored. It’s important to properly store bacon grease and discard it if it has gone bad in order to avoid any health risks associated with spoiled food.

Can Bacon Grease Be Used After It Has Gone Bad

No, bacon grease should not be used after it has gone bad. If the bacon grease is past its expiration date or begins to smell or look odd, it should be discarded.

How Long Does Bacon Grease Last Unrefrigerated

Bacon grease can last up to 2 years when stored in the pantry and up to 6 months past the best-by date. It’s best used within these periods, but it can easily last for a longer time.

How Long Does Bacon Grease Last Refrigerated

Refrigerated bacon grease can last up to 1 year or more when stored properly in an airtight container and sealed tight.

The above periods are general advice that can be applied to your bacon grease when you’ve stored them in the right way.

How To Store Bacon Grease

It’s important to make sure bacon grease is stored properly in order to extend its shelf life and prevent spoilage.

How To Store Bacon Grease Bought From The Store

Most people among us will buy bacon grease from the store. Storing it is quite simple because you just need to store it in the same way as you’ve bought it. There’s no need to refrigerate it because the shelf life when stored in the pantry is very long (2 years or more).

The important thing is to seal it in an airtight container like a (glass) mason jar and should be stored away from external threats like heat, bacteria, air, moisture, and so on.

How To Store Bacon Grease That’s Homemade

Some of us will say: I’ll make the bacon grease myself at home. Homemade bacon grease should also be stored in an airtight container, sealed tight and safe from external threats as it is more vulnerable because it won’t contain additives.

Each time you’re cooking or baking the bacon, you should let the fat cool down and make sure to purify it. By purifying, we mean getting rid of the baked or cooked bacon parts. You should avoid these parts at all costs, as they will spoil a lot faster and turn rancid.

Don’t store the bacon grease in the pantry or unrefrigerated. Always store it in the fridge for the best results, sealed tight in an airtight container. You can divide them into small containers for the best usage or transfer them frequently to another airtight container. Why? Because you’ll always add and use the last bacon grease, leaving the oldest bacon grease in the container. We should first use the older bacon grease for the longest shelf life.

With that in mind, it can be a good principle or habit to renew the storage every 2 years for the best results. Some will do this every 3, or 4 years depending on their experience with bacon grease.

You can always store your bacon grease in the freezer for a longer shelf life.

Can You Freeze Bacon Grease

Yes, you can freeze bacon grease for long-term storage but should you?

Bacon grease already has a very long shelf life and can be used for a lot of things. When you do opt for freezing the bacon grease, try to use it within 6 months to 1 year if possible. Longer is also okay but always check for signs of spoilage before using it.

If you do want to freeze your bacon grease, consider the following tips:

  • Divide them into single-serve portions, it doesn’t make sense to freeze large quantities.
  • Pack them in 1 or 2 plastic freezer bags (double-bagging them) or an airtight container.
  • Always leave some room because bacon grease will expand.
  • Label the bags or containers with the correct date and time of freezing.
  • Place into the freezer.

When you’re about to use your frozen bacon grease, let it thaw and rest in the refrigerator overnight.

After thawing the bacon grease, always check for spoilage signs.

How Can You Tell If Bacon Grease Has Gone Bad

As we’ve said before, storing bacon grease properly can make it stay good for a long time.

A quick check for spoilage can be done by using your senses. Eating starts with using your senses: looking at colors, and smelling odors and the final test is tasting the grease.

Use the following tips when checking on your bacon grease for spoilage signs:

  1. Does the bacon grease have another (darker) color? Mostly, you’ll some discoloration at the surface. Tossing it here should be okay and is your safest option.
  2. Are there any black marks on/in the container? This can be a sign of mold. Discard directly.
  3. Bacon grease contains fats and is thus known to go rancid. You can see this by checking on the texture, smell, or taste.
  4. Does the bacon grease have a sharp smell? If you smell something funny or unpleasant, toss it away.
  5. How is the taste? Does it taste odd? Get rid of it.

Bacon grease can go rancid if you don’t watch out and thus spoil a lot sooner. Your safest and best choice to make is to discard all of it. Even when it shouldn’t harm you in any way, it’s all about making sure you have a great experience when you’re eating your food. Don’t use rancid bacon grease in other dishes. This way, you won’t take unnecessary risks (food poisoning) on your health and well-being.

Enjoy your bacon grease!